Edit windows

Click in the image to learn more about the corresponding part of the editing window.


Title bar

The title bar displays the window name followed by the record identifier, the name of the company, and the name of the current user.



Menu button

The menu button provides access to the commands that apply to the current entity. Click the menu button to drop down the menu list.

Edit windows have five standard menu groups.

File menu

Open... Opens the Find dialog box so that you can select and load a different record of the current entity type.
Previous Loads the previous record from the HD view.
Next Loads the next record from the HD view.
Show List Puts the window in list mode with a pane on the left that shows record IDs for existing entity records, allowing quick browsing of entity records by simply selecting record IDs.
Add Attachment Opens the Add Attachment dialog box so you can browse to and attach a file (document, image, etc.) from your computer to the current record.
Close Closes the edit window.

Edit menu

New Opens a new, blank record of the same entity type.
New Copy Copies selected details of the current record to a new record and opens the new record for editing.

If you are currently in edit mode, this command is labeled "Read". Selecting Read changes the window to read-only mode.

If you are currently in read mode, this command is labeled "Edit". Selecting Edit changes the window to edit mode.

Save Saves changes to the current record.
Save and New Saves changes to the current record and loads a new, blank record for editing.
Save and Close Saves changes to the current record and then closes the edit window.
Delete After confirmation, deletes the current record.
Obsolete Flags the current record as obsolete. Obsolete records are not removed from the database but are removed from the HD view unless you mark the Include Obsolete checkbox.
Report... Opens a menu of reports available for the current entity record.

View menu

Toolbar Presents options for showing captions on toolbar icons.
Other commands Other commands may appear in the menu depending on the entity type.

Tools menu

Export... Starts the Export wizard so that you can specify a file name and then export the current record to that file.
Import Opens the Import dialog box where you can locate the file to import, specify an XPath, and then import the record(s) into ActivityHD.
Reset Form If the current window has been resized and/or moved, restores the window to its default dimensions and position.
Other commands Other commands may appear in the menu depending on the entity type.

Help menu

Activity Help Opens the online help to a topic about the current entity type.
About Activity Opens the About ActivityHD popup where you can view the current version of ActivityHD, copyright information, and contact information for AccountingWare and AccountingWare support.



Tool bar

Commands in the Edit toolbar apply to the currently selected record.

Commands commonly found in the Edit toolbar include:

  • New - Opens a new, blank record of the same entity type.
  • New Copy - Available from the dropdown next to the New icon. Copies selected details of the current record to a new record and opens the new record for editing.
  • Read - This icon is visible when you are in edit mode. Changes the window to read-only mode.
  • Edit - This icon is visible when you are in read-only mode. Changes the window to edit mode.
  • Save - Saves changes to the current record.
  • Save and New - Available from the dropdown next to the Save icon. Saves changes to the current record and loads a new, blank record for editing.
  • Save and Close - Available from the dropdown next to the Save icon. Saves changes to the current record and closes the edit window.
  • Report - Opens a menu of reports available for the current entity record. If only one report is available, the report wizard for that report starts immediately.
  • Previous - Loads the previous record from the HD view.
  • Next - Loads the next record from the HD view.

Other commands may be available depending on the entity type.



Record ID

This area includes the record identifier, sometimes referred to as a name, code, or ID. It often also contains a description and sometimes additional relevant information. The data in this area remains visible no matter which tab you select.



Editing region

On the main tab, this region is generally used to specify additional information about the entity and its desired behavior/effects when used in other contexts. Other tabs may contain edit fields, filtered HD views of related data, attachments, miscellaneous information about the data record, etc.




Select a tab to view or edit information related to the current record.



Status bar

The status bar of an edit window contains two sections. The left-hand section indicates the current mode of the window: Read or Edit. The remaining area shows a hint about the control your mouse is hovering over at the current time.

If a tab with a filtered HD view is selected, the status bar contains five sections. The first section indicates whether the window is in read or edit mode. The second section indicates the total number of records in the filtered HD view. The third section shows the number of records currently selected in the HD view. If the HD view contains financial records, the third section also shows relevant totals for the records currently selected. The fourth section indicates the current sort order applied to the data in the HD view. Finally, the fifth section shows a hint about the control your mouse is hovering over.